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Ten changes in the SAT exam in 2016


       China news network, January 6 (Xiao Tang), according to U.S. media reports, in joy away in 2015, ushered in the new year on the occasion of the year, but also usher in a new SAT test. Board board of directors of the United States (College) announced in April last year will be SAT exam reform, apply for the SAT in March this year, will be the first candidates for the new SAT exam.


Today (USA Today) (USA) 4 reported on January, finishing the 2016 SAT examination of the ten changes and the contents of the two did not change.

Ten changes in the interests of candidates
1 the highest score from 2400 points back to the 1600 points

In 2005 the implementation of the total score of 2400 points SAT is considered to be the failure of the scoring method, and therefore transferred back to 1600 points.

2 wrong answers are not penalized

The new SAT exam, choose four answers, not encountered or did not grasp the subject, candidates can safely go to take a guess, 25% luck, because the wrong answers are not penalized.

3 select the answer from the 5 reduction to 4

Select the answer options are reduced from 5 to 4, which will not only guess the probability is increased from 20% to 25%, but the candidates also saved through fifth answers required to spend time.

4 more time to answer questions

In 2005 after the restructuring of SAT, has been the topic students complain too much, too late to answer, now not only the entire SAT test less than 16 questions, and answers 1 fewer options, so candidates get more time.


5 test is not difficult words

Vocabulary is the focus of the examination, no longer need to memorize words, but often use high school textbook vocabulary.

6 more charts

The questions in a variety of ways such as figure and table, showing the data.

7 questions in the article will be closer to the high school textbooks

The articles used in the new SAT exam will be close to the type of article that the students are learning every day.

8 the reading test focuses on finding evidence

Reading test will give the answer to the candidates, please candidates found in the article to support the tips of the card.

9 writing is no longer Compulsory Project

The new SAT exam, writing is no longer required, but the scores will not included in the candidate's writing scores.

10 cancel the non scoring experiment

In the past, the SAT test has an experimental problem, this part does not score, but the test did not specify which part of the test questions, so candidates are usually still all the answers. The new SAT exam has been cancelled.

What has not changed is the discipline and difficulty
1 SAT is still the basis of English and Mathematics

In principle, it is still a test of English and mathematics, not science, music, language and other subjects.

2 is still very difficult to test

Although the redesigned SAT canceled the wrong answers are not penalized and do not obscure words, but it is still a difficult exam. Besides, it's a marathon exam.Candidates for the new SAT should be tested this year, perhaps with no sense of preparation, but most people feel that the best way to prepare is to prepare for the ACT exam (another college entrance exam in the United States).

上一篇:沃迩德国际教育网站改版敬请期待 下一篇:【院校】UCL——古老与现代的完美融合。